NP, WJ 11/18B/1863

From the Wilmington Journal
November 18, 1863
A Fatal Accident
   On Sunday, 10th inst., when the train from Branchville for Columbia was near Orangeburg, the axle of one of the cars broke, and a car was thrown off the track. Dr. P. C. Green, Mail Agent on the train, jumped from the car in which he was, and was crushed or bruised so that he died instantly. There was no injury to any other person. Dr. Green resided near White Pond Station, on the South Carolina Rail Road, and had but a few hours before left there a wife who was awaiting his return as usual, and received the first announcement of her loss on the return of the corpse.
   It is not in war or on the fields of battle only that lessons and instances of sudden death and startling bereavement are give.
Chas. Cour.
