NP, WD 1/26/1864

From the Western Democrat (Charlotte, N.C.)
January 26, 1864
The Railroads
   Several officers of different Railroad lines have sent to Congress a remonstrance against the "indiscriminate conscription of railroad employees." This was entirely unnecessary, as we suppose no member of Congress nor any one else ever thought of an "indiscriminate conscription" of railroad employees; but we hope the members of Congress have thought of curtailing the number of exemptions for the Railroads. We know that thousands of people think that this might be done without injury to the transportation business, and we are one of those who think so, and believe we can give many good reasons for the opinion. We are not opposed to the exemptions of a necessary number of employees for the railroads, even if they are within the conscript age, but we are opposed to the employment of able-bodied white men, within the conscript age, to do the work that might be done by negro laborers.
