NP, RSTD 2/12A/1862

From the Raleigh Standard
February 12, 1862
North Carolina Railroad
   We learn that Thomas Webb, Esq., of Hillsboro' has been elected President of this Road, vice Mr. Cameron, resigned.
   Mr. Webb is a man of great energy and fine business talents, and will no doubt exert himself to keep the Road in the best possible working condition. We wish him entire success in his new but highly important position. We have heard it intimated that in order so save expense, several experienced and worthy employees in different departments of the Road have been discharged, and cheaper men employed in their places. We are surprised at such a step. It is the old way of "saving at the spigot and letting out at the bung." The management of a Railroad successfully, is nearly similar to the proper conduct of a Hotel. If you want a popular first class house that will pay, you must have the very best outfit possible, a wise, managing and liberal host, first class waiters, and every thing to fit, without stopping to enquire into the expense. Whatever is necessary for the accommodation of the great public, ??? must not be doled out stingily, if you want it to pay. It must be expended liberally. The only concern to the manager should be, that the money is wisely expended and that he gets the worth of his money. It is just so in the conduct of a Railroad. The right men for the right place must be had at any reasonable cost. Speed, safety, [promptness and the spirit of accommodation must be secured, or the thing runs down. A work to the wise, &c.
