NP, RSTD 1/29/1862

From the Raleigh Standard
January 29, 1862
Chatham Coalfields Road
   We are gratified to be able to state that the Convention will most probably take the necessary steps to connect the coal and iron mines in Chatham with the Railroads of the State. The ordinance now pending provides for an exchange between the Company and the State of the bonds of solvent corporations for treasury notes, to be used in making the improvement.
   This is an enterprise of the first importance to the State. The mineral resources of the region referred to should be developed as soon as practicable; and besides, iron is needed and must be produced. There are immense quantities of the ore in the Deep River country, and the proposed Road will greatly aid in producing iron, and in bringing out resources of various kinds for the benefit of the State.
   We believe the ordinance will be passed, and the Road speedily constructed. The eye of the Confederate government is already on this region. It is anxious to avail itself of the resources of coal and iron which this Road will reach; but its band of patronage and enterprise is stayed for the want of means of transportation. Let the State act in this matter at once, and thus benefit its own citizens and at the same time open these resources to the common government.
