NP, RS 10/28A/1863

From the Richmond Sentinel
October 28, 1863
Virginia & Tennessee Railroad
   Annual report of Mr. Dodamead, General Superintendent of the Virginia & Tennessee railroad, exhibits the company to be in a very prosperous condition, notwithstanding the immense increase of expenses.
The total earnings of the road for the fiscal year, ending 30th of June, was $1,782,033.98
Total operative expenses 722,486.26
Leaving a net balance of earnings of 1,059,547.67
This gives a gross increase of earnings over the previous year of 729,847.04
The increase of expenses over the proceeding year is 260,056.45
   There were but two accidents to passengers during the year, and neither of these would have occurred, if they had been in the cars, where they ought to have been -- both were upon the platform.
