NP, REX 4/26/1861

From the Richmond Examiner
April 26, 1861
City Intelligence
The South Carolina Troops
   The Superintendent of the Richmond & Petersburg Railroad dispatched an extra train to Petersburg on yesterday to convey a detachment of the Southern Confederacy troops, which left Charleston on the previous day, and left Weldon for Richmond yesterday morning at fifteen minutes to nine o'clock. The detachment consists of four hundred and fifty men, under command of Gen. M. L. Bonham.
   The Arrival
   The long anticipated detachment arrived at half past five last evening, in an extra train, by the Richmond & Petersburg Railroad. The entire corps numbered four hundred and fifty men, but thirty remained in Petersburg to take charge of the baggage, and came over in the regular train at half past six o'clock. They were greeted at the depot by between two and three thousand citizens, who literally blocked up the sidewalks. Shouts innumerable went up as company after company leaped from the cars, waving their company flags and shouldering their rifles. *****
