NP, RD 7/6A/1861

From the Richmond Dispatch
July 6, 1861
A Railroad Car and Contents Destroyed — Loss$1,000
   Yesterday foremost about half-past 9 o'clock, a freight car the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, at the old depot in Edgefield, was discovered to be on fire, and as it contained fifty barrels of turpentine, the whole was soon enveloped in flames. The train consisted of fifteen to twenty cars, heavily loaded with rice, tobacco, turpentine and other valuable products and it was with the greatest difficulty cars, except the one in which the fire originated, could be saved. At first the fire was supposed to be the work of an incendiary, after careful investigation, the agent of the road here is satisfied that it was accidental. He thinks it originated from a spark from the locomotive of the Edgefield & Kentucky Railroad, which passed a short time before the fire was discovered. The loss is estimated at $1,000.
Nashville (Tenn.) Union July 3
