NP, RD 5/6/1861

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch
May 6, 1861
Sad accident
   On Saturdayevening, about 5 o'clock, a sad accident occurred on the Manchester side of James river, whereby a young girl lost her life in a most horrible manner, having been run over by one of the freight engines of the {Richmond &} Danville Railroad, and mashed nearly into a shapeless mass. Her name was Chilton, aged about 9 or 11 years, and at the time of the occurrence she was attempting, without being seen by the engineer, to cross the track in front of the engine. The above occurrence excited some feeling among the people, and very naturally, though it does not appear that any one was to blame.
{Reported in the May 7 issue of the same paper}:
The Accident in Manchester
   We have already mentioned the accidental death of a little girl in Manchester, Saturdayevening, by being run over by one of the engines of the Danville Railroad Company. Her name was Childress, instead of Chilton, as we stated. She was crossing Hull street at the time, and her death was instantaneous. A gentleman informs us that the engineer and conductor were arrested at once on the charge of running over speed, and being taken before a magistrate, were by him sent on to the County Court on the charge of involuntary manslaughter.
   The verdict of the jury of inquest was to the effect that the deceased came to her death by the unlawful running of the engine.
