NP, RD 1/14/1864

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch
January 14, 1864
Neglect of duty and Horrible Cruelty
   The following statement made by a Richmond correspondent of the Atlanta Confederacy demands an investigation by the Commissary General, and the punishment of the agent guilty of this flagrant neglect of duty and brutal carelessness:
   While en route here several things came under my observation worthy of note, and one especially that Congress should not fail to take proper steps in regard to. At Kingville, S C., I saw three box cars loaded with cattle {probably on the South Carolina RR}, with this endorsement upon one of the boxes: "These cattle have been here for three days, and have never received food or water. Where are the commissaries? December 19, 1863" This caused me to inquire into the matter; and I learned from a gentleman who lived there that they had been there for six days and received neither food nor water. In one of the boxes there were six dead, in another two, and in the third one Several were down in each car that in all probability died in the next twenty four hours.
