NP, NOTP 4/23/1862

From the New Orleans Times Picayune
April 23, 1862
Texas & New Orleans Railroad  {the New Orleans & Texas RR is meant}
   We find the following in the Franklin (St. Mary parish) Planters' Banner, of the 19th:
   Last Monday we met B. J. Sage, Esq., of New Orleans, who informs us that he thinks the Texas & New Orleans Railroad under a fair way to be completed at a comparatively early period. He thinks the planters will take liberal amounts of stock, to be paid for in labor after the corn crop is laid by. He is now making well directed efforts to enlist planters in this great Southern enterprise, and to aid in putting through what has become a great and pressing military necessity. A fair reckoning to regard to the income of this road shows that the amount of produce, merchandise and travel that will pass over it between New Orleans and Texas will make it the best paying road in the South. Those who wish to turn their slave labor to the best possible account after the corn crop is made, can do no better than to put most of their hands to work in this road, and keep them there from July to January.
