NP, NOTP 2/2/1862

From the New Orleans Times Picayune
February 2, 1862
New Orleans & Texas Railroad Company
   In our columns today will be found an address appealing to our citizens to come forward and invest in the stock of this important railroad. We commend it to the thoughtful consideration of our capitalists, and, indeed, of all who have any interest (and who has none?) in the prosperity of our city, our State, and our Confederacy.
   As we have more than once taken occasion to say, there has no internal improvement ever been presented to the support and encouragement of the people of New Orleans and Louisiana more important than that, the object of which is to open a railroad communication with the heart of Texas. And now that, from our changed relations with the North, it has become necessary to find a source of supply for many of the most valuable necessaries of life, we have looked for hitherto in the United States, it seems to be a sacred patriotic duty, that we should develop the natural resources that lie at our very door, within the bonds of our Confederacy.
   There is nothing the North and West have heretofore supplied us that we cannot have from Texas, let but the proper channels of communication be opened to our trade with her.
