NP, NOTP 1/1H/1862

From the New Orleans Times Picayune
January 1, 1862
Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad
The Only Direct Route.
Fifty-three miles and Four hours time saved
   Travelers going from New Orleans to Memphis, Humboldt, Clarkesville and Nashville, Tenn., and Columbus and Bowling Green, Ky., will save Four Hours in Time and fifty-Three Miles in Distance by buying tickets to Memphis over the Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad.
   Also, to points on the Mississippi river above Memphis or points in Arkansas, on the line of the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad, for the interior of the State.
   Mails and Passenger Trains leave the New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern Railroad Depot daily, at 7 A. M. and arrive at Grenada at 1:50 A. M. and at Memphis at 7 A. M., connecting with trains on the Memphis & Ohio Railroad, and arriving at Nashville at 11 P. M. the same evening.
   A Daily Line of Steamboats leaves the wharf at Memphis for points on the Mississippi river as far North as Fort Pillow, New Madrid and Columbus, Ky.
   Through Fare to Memphis, $14.50.
   Be sure to ask for Tickets via the Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad to Memphis.
Niles Meriwether
Chief Engineer and General Superintendent
F. S. Richards, General Traffic Agent
