NP, NODC 2/6/1861

From the New Orleans Daily Crescent
February 6, 1861
Talk on 'Change
   Under our financial head will be found the annual statement of the Northern and Jackson Railroad {New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern RR}. The earnings of the road, notwithstanding the interruptions from storms, floods, and the elements in general, exhibited an increase over the previous year of 34 per cent. It is hardly necessary to more than talk that the road is only in its infancy, and the difficulties inseparable with so great an undertaking, are in a measure overcome. The President of the road says, in his report, that the entire expenses of the road, that is, conducting transportation, maintenance of way, motive power, including repairs to engines, engineers, maintenance of cars, also clerks, agents, and all, cannot exceed six hundred thousand dollars per annum. This will leave one million of dollars as the net revenue for the twelve months. The amount of interest and sinking fund being $340,000, would leave $660,000 to meet bills payable and other outstanding accounts. The statement is an encouraging one for the bondholders and all interested. Though the interruptions to traveling have been frequent the past year, they have not been more so than Northern railroads, blocked by ice and snow.
