NP, NUA 1/1/1861

From the Nashville Union and American
January 1, 1861
Jasper Branch Railroad
Office Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad Co.
October 3d, 1859
   By order of the Board of Directors calls are made on the Stock of the Company subscribed for building a Branch Road from Bridgeport to Jasper, payable to the Treasurer of this Company as follows:
   One dollar on each Share on the 1st November, 1859, and two dollars on each Share on the 1st days of December, 1859, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November, 1860.
   Payment may be made to Jackson Pryor, at Jasper, or to the Treasurer at his office in Nashville.
   Promptness in meeting these calls is requested of the subscribers of Stock, as the construction of the road depends exclusively on the means provided specifically for that purpose.
W. A. Gleaves, Treasurer
