NP, GCG 2/15/1861

From the Gate-City Guardian (Atlanta, Ga.) 
February 15, 1861
Macon & Western Railroad
   This Railroad, says the Griffin "Democrat," of the 14th, is now doing an excellent freight ????? {line lost in the fold of the paper} ing business, two or three trains passing ??? the Road every day, heavily freighted with produce, &c., for middle and lower Georgia. The damage done to the State {Western & Atlantic RR} and Nashville {& Chattanooga} Roads, by the recent rains, having been repaired, so as to allow the connection to be made, the business for several weeks to come may be expected to be very heavy. In these times of scarcity, Railroads are indispensable. The people could not do without them. Wherever a Road is practicable and would yield a profit, there one should be built and put in operation. Though the times are hard, we hope our people will not lose sight of the different Roads in contemplation from this place. They enrich the whole country through which they pass.
