NP, DLT 4/2/1861

From the Daily Ledger & Texan (San Antonio, Tex.)
April 2, 1861
San Antonio & Mexican Gulf R. R.
   We learn from the last number of the Victoria Advocate, that on the 28th (Thursday) ult., the citizens of that progressive town, celebrate the completion to that point, of the S. A. & M. G. Rail Road by a Barbecue; at which it estimates from seven hundred to a thousand persons dined.
   It is needless for us, who have so often manifested the deep interest, we feel in the welfare, and final success of this road, to reiterate our satisfaction and delight, at its progress as far as Victoria, or the pleasure the joyous expression of its citizens at that event imparts to us.
   The Advocate represents the ball as opening at 8 o'clock, the music excellent, the company must agreeable, and all was "harmony, jollity and good feeling."
   The R. R. Company we learn authoritatively, have had most favorable offers for its prosecution in this direction; what has been their determination in relation to them, we have not yet been advised. The road we further learn, is doing a good as well as a lucrative business.
   We sincerely hope the trying difficulties which the Directors and Proprietors of this R. Road have so successfully encountered and overcome, may not be again met with, in its further progress.
