NP, BB 2/19A/1861

From the Beaumont (Tex.) Banner
February 19, 1861
Southern Pacific Railroad Co.
Is now making daily trips (Sundays excepted) to and from Marshall to Swanson's Landing, carrying Freight and Passengers.
   Having formed a connection with Smith's U. S. Mail Stage Line from Jonesville to Shreveport, Passengers are offered considerable inducement in time. Leaving Marshall at 8 o'clock A. M. daily will, under the present arrangement, be delivered in Shreveport in six hours.
   The Company is now amply prepared with Warehouses and Sheds for the reception and storage of cotton and all kinds of freights, and boats landing at Swanson's will find a good wharf ad any amount of warehouse facilities. There is a competent and careful agent at all the depots and stations, and shippers may feel assured that all business entrusted to his care shall have strict attention and careful handling.
   Cotton per bale, including freight storage, commission and handling, delivered on board the boats at 75c per bale.
   Up freights from Swanson's Landing to Marshall, including storage and commission, 25c per 100 pounds.
   The Train will leave Marshall Depot at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive at Swanson's Landing at 10 o'clock A. M. Returning leave Swanson's at 4 o'clock P. M., and arrive in Marshall at 8 P. M. 
C. E. Hynson
General Superintendent
