NP, AE 4/15/1861

From the Alamo Express (San Antonio, Tex.)
April 15, 1861
The S. A. & M. G. Railroad    {San Antonio & Mexican Gulf RR}
   This road, now completed to Victoria, (which in wet times is equal to nearly half the distance between this city and Lavaca,) is beginning to attract some attention amongst the traveling public, and travel is naturally and gradually turning into this route to and from this city to New Orleans. It being the best as to economy, and comfort and equal to any other in point of time. The company have had many disadvantages to contend with, and in consequence of their engines having become disabled, have been put to much trouble, annoyance and loss, but have succeeded in putting one of their engines in repair and are now making regular trips without hindrance. They have also purchased and shipped for Lavaca a splendid 8 wheel Engine built especially for the road, which cost them $9,558.25, landed at Lavaca, which will place the road beyond all trouble in regard to engines. We are also pleased to learn from a letter received from the coast, that arrangements of a permanent character have been made by Messrs. Harris and Morgan of the Southern Steamship Company, to run their boats to Lavaca -- they having contracted with the "Lavaca Navigation Company" for the use of their ship canal for five years at the sum of $5,000 per annum. Their Boats are now making regular trips to Lavaca and landing merchandize and passengers at the wharf.
   This is a matter of great importance to Western Texas and especially to our city; and our merchants should do all in their power to favor the efforts of this enterprising company who in spite of the wide spread business apathy are pushing ahead with their undertaking. When wet seasons come and the roads get bad we will know the importance of this little span of Railroad, and it behoves us to help these men in every way we can, whose labors promise such great benefit in the future. We recommend this route above all others to travelers.
