NP, MT 3/17/1865

From the Macon (Ga.) Telegraph
March 17, 1865
Atlanta & West Point Railroad
   The Atlanta Intelligencer, of the 15th, says: Our citizens had the pleasure on Monday, the 18th inst., of seeing the first train of cars reach the place where the Car Shed once was. The occasion was an interesting and inspiring one. The train was drawn by the Engine Pacific, (may not this be a foreshadowing of good to our battle-scarred city?) guided by Engineer John B. Walden, under the Conductorship of Mr. Fuller, of the Montgomery & West Point Road.
   Too much praise cannot be paid Major Hottel, Col. Rosser, Major Crane, Dr. McKittrick and others, for the energy and perseverance displayed in seeing this important work to its completion.
   We hope soon to be able to announce the arrival of trains from Macon and Augusta, on the Macon & Western and Georgia railroads.
