NP, MT 2/21B/1861

From the Macon (Ga.) Telegraph
February 21, 1861
Collision on the Central {(of Georgia)} R. R.
   The Mail Train due here at 9 A. M., did not arrive till half past 1 P. M., owing to a collision which occurred near station No. 12.
   There is considerable of a grade at this place, and the 3 Express Frt. Trains were coming up, on their usual time, being about one mile apart, when a portion of the first train becoming detached from the Engine, ran back towards the second, causing the Engineer of the second train to reverse his engine. When both trains were now in full drive for the third, which was coming round a curve at the time, and consequently could not avoid a collision which resulted in smashing up several Cars and injuring Mr. Wheeler, the Engineer, and two train hands considerably.
