NP, MAP 9/22A/1863

From the Memphis Appeal
September 22, 1863
The Virginia & Tennessee Railroad
   The financial condition of the Virginia & Tennessee railroad, under the able management of  its administrative officers, is a matter for congratulation to the stockholders. This city has guaranteed a half million of its stock, and up to this year was annually obliged to raise by taxation thirty thousand dollars to meet the interest due on that sum with a prospect of having to do the same for years ahead.
   The road lately relieved the corporation of the onerous debt by declaring its first dividend of 6 per cent. per annum, and it has now with the consent of the Legislature paid to the Commonwealth a debt of one million of dollars which has been received by the second auditor, under a joint resolution passed by Assembly. This exhibits the financial management of the road in a bright aspect, and we note the fact that the stock has risen in the past eighteen months from fifteen dollars to one hundred and thirty-five dollars per share.
Lynchburg Republican
