NP, MAP 9/2/1862

From the Memphis Appeal
September 2, 1862
Proposed Railroad Convention
   A circular has been issued  by R. R. Cuyler, Esq., president of the Central {(of Georgia)} Railroad and Banking Company, inviting a meeting of all the railroad presidents and superintendents in the Confederate States, at Columbia, South Carolina, on Thursday, September 4th, for the purpose of considering the present condition of the roads and rolling stock, and the means necessary to be adopted to keep them in effective operations; also to regulate the fares and freights to the changed condition of the country, and for other purposes. One other object of the convention, it is stated, will be to arrange so that the roads shall, at all times, be kept in condition to accommodate the government and public in transporting promptly troops and supplies. It is of the very first importance that this should be done.
