NP, MAP 4/8/1864

From the Memphis Appeal
April 8, 1864
To Travelers
   Mr. Sam'l G. Jones, superintendent of the Alabama & Florida {(of Alabama)} railroad, gives notice that in consequence of the late change of schedule, by which only one hour is allowed between the arrival of the mail and passenger trains of the Montgomery & West Points railroad from the east, and their departure for Mobile and other points south and west both mails and passengers for the Alabama & Florida road will be received and delivered at the depot of the Montgomery & West Point road until further notice. Passengers by this road will reach Mobile for less than half the money and a little over one-third of the time required by any other route. Passengers from Dalton, desiring to make connection, should take the morning train. Soldiers, officers and privates, on furlough, are charged only half fare.
