NP, MAP 2/10/1863

From the Memphis Appeal
February 10, 1863
Railroad Accident
   Yesterday afternoon David Gray, one of the brakemen on the Southern {(of Mississippi)} railroad, was instantly killed, under the following circumstances: A short distance this side of Edward's depot, he was standing on top of a freight car as the train was approaching a bridge, and failing to observe his danger he was knocked from the car immediately under the wheels, which passed over his legs below the knees It was supposed the blow on coming in contact with the bridge killed him instantly, as he was dead when taken up. His remains were brought to this city. Three sisters of the deceased were killed in the explosion of the arsenal in this city last summer. At the time, he was engaged in the same building, but happened to be absent when the explosion took place. His widowed mother is now called to mourn the violent death of another of her children.
