NP, MA 8/1B/1861

From the Memphis Avalanche
August 1, 1861
Memphis and Louisville and Memphis and Nashville Railroad Line
Composed of the Memphis & Ohio R. R.
And its connections via
   On and after Sunday, April 28th, 1861, trains will run by Louisville time, which is twenty minutes faster than Memphis time, as follows:
Going East and North
   Fast Express leaves Memphis daily, Sunday excepted at 5 A. M., and only stops at the principal stations.
   Night Express leaves Memphis daily at 4 P. M., and stops at all stations.
   Night Express arrives at Memphis daily at 9:30 A. M.
   Fast Express arrives at Memphis daily, Sundays excepted, at 9 P. M.
   The time on this Great Through Line is
To Nashville, 4 hours and 45 minutes
To Louisville, 10 hours and 40 minutes
To New York, 9 hours and 30 minutes,
Less than by any Other Route.
Time from Memphis
H. M.
To Humboldt 3.50
Cairo 10.30
Chicago 26.30
Clarksville 11.00
Nashville 14.00
Louisville 18.20
Cincinnati 25.40
New York 56.30
   By this favorite line passengers have the best and most direct route to all important points East, North and Northwest.
   Smoking cars on day trains.
   Local commutation tickets at a reduction of 25 per cent from the regular price may be obtained at the ticket office.
   No Negroes allowed on the trains without a special permit, signed by the owner, blanks for which may be obtained by application to the ticket offices of the company.
   For further information and for tickets apply to L. S. Knowlton, Agent, at
No. 14 Jefferson Street,
Opposite the Commercial Hotel, or the depot of the company.
Bentley D. Hassell
Chief Eng. and Gen'l Superintendent
M. F. Wheeler, General Ticket Agent
