NP, MA 1/19A/1861

From the Memphis Avalanche
January 19, 1861
Great Southern Route
Memphis & Charleston Railroad
With its extensive railway connections, the shortest route, the most expeditious route, the most comfortable route, and the most popular route
To the Eastern, Atlantic and Northern Cities Virginia Springs,
The celebrated Medical Waters and Mountains, Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, all rail to Louisville and New Orleans.
120 miles distance and 8 hours saved on the route to New York and other Northern cities by the recent completion of the Cut-off between Lynchburg and Washington City, which renders this significantly the shortest and quickly route to the north.
Two Daily Trains Leave Memphis
Morning and Evening
Express Mail 6:30 A. M.
Fast Express 6:30 P. M.
Junction Accommodation 4:00 P. M.
Arrives as Follows
Express Mail 1:00 P. M.
Fast Express 1:00 A. M.
Junction Accommodation 9:00 A. M.
Elegant sleeping cars on night trains.
Railroad time fifteen minutes faster than Memphis time.
Through tickets sold to:
New York Montgomery, Ala.
Philadelphia Augusta
Baltimore Columbus, S. C.
Washington City Petersburg
Savannah Norfolk
Charleston Columbus, Ga.
Berebeta Springs Holly Springs
Virginia Springs Cincinnati
Nashville Knoxville
Louisville Lynchburg
St. Louis Richmond
Atlanta Cairo
Marion Jackson
Canton New Orleans
   For through tickets apply at the company's offices, Worsham and Gayoso House, and at the Depot, Memphis; Grand Junction and Huntsville, at the offices of the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad, New Orleans, and at all Railroad offices in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, &c.
Fast Freight Arrangements
Now made to deliver Eastern freight via Charleston, Savannah and Virginia, and Western freight to East Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina, etc., etc., in faster time, and new low rates as by any other route. Always forwarded free at Memphis, Charleston and Savannah, by consigning to "Railroad Agents." Fast Freight Trains are now run between Memphis and the seaboard, thus securing delivery of freight in Memphis within ten days from New York.
W. J. Ross, General Superintendent
A. F. Morgan, Ticket Agent
