NP, HT 1/1C/1861

From the Houston Telegraph
January 1, 1861
Houston Tap & Brazoria Railway
   On and after May 18th, 1860, the Cars on the Houston Tap & Brazoria Railway will run daily (Sunday excepted.)
   Leave the Depot in Houston at 7 A. M., for Columbia and all intermediate Stations, connecting at the Junction with the Cars of the B. B., B. & C. Railway for Richmond, Bernard and Eagle Lake.
   Returning leave Columbia at 12 M., arriving in Houston at 4 o'clock P. M., connecting with the Cars and Boat for Galveston. Returning to the Junction at 4:20 P. M., connecting with the Cars from Richmond and arriving in Houston, at 5 P. M.
   Freight Cars will be attached, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
   Shippers t Galveston, who desire goods forwarded over this road, will please have them plainly marked and consigned to the Agent of the Road, free of charge, when they will be forwarded without delay.
J. W. Stump
Supt. H. T. & B. R.
