NP, GP 4/10A/1862

From the Greensboro (N. C.) Patriot
April 10, 1862
First Train Over the Piedmont Railroad
   One day last week a cavalry company arrived here from the West on the North Carolina Railroad, and being anxious to arrive at Richmond at the earliest possible date took the Piedmont Railroad line to Danville; true, the Road is not finished yet but through the assistance of Capt. James Sloan the efficient Quarter Master of this place, the company was enabled to proceed immediately to Danville.
   Although the implacable enemies of the Greensboro & Danville Railroad enterprise are seeking as a last resort to defeat this great work, every possible effort to get pos?? of the Piedmont Railroad charter, and to divert the Road to other points ??? the main destroy the usefulness of the measure; yet the traveling public ??gly indicate the route that nature has laid out for the great Northern and Southern thoroughfare. People may try to make water run up hill; but it is generally rather expensive to do so.
