NP, CM 2/5/1861

From the Charleston Mercury
February 5, 1861
King's Mountain Railroad
Office of the King's Mountain R. R. Co.
Yorkville, January 25, 1861
   We, the undersigned, Directors of the King's Mountain Railroad Company, at the request of W. E. Rose, President, have this day examined the books of account, and vouchers of the Secretary and Treasurer (James H. Fayssoux) and find them all well and properly kept and correct, as appears from the vouchers.
Aggregate amount of cash received during the year 1860 $53,679.89
Exhibit of Payments
Amount paid C. & S. C. R. R, 1860 $27,011.00
Amount paid on debts of Company owing, 1st January, 1860 6,987.28
Amount paid on dividends, payable 1st January and 1st July, 1860 11,826.00
Amount paid on Expense Account for 1860 2,278.26
Cash balance 5,577.35 $53,679.87
Due Company (exclusive of Greenville Bonds) on 1st January 1861 $3,000.00
Balance owing -- expense account -- not exceeding 3,000.00
Leaving a reserve fund of 4,600.00
   We direct that a semi-annual Dividend of Two and A Half Per Cent., be paid to the Stockholders, on and after this day, at the office of the Company, on application by the Stockholders, their agents or attorney; and that this resolution be copied in the books of the Company, together with the thanks of the board of Directors to the President of the Road for his untiring energy and strict economy in the management of the Road. Also, to the Secretary and Treasurer, for the prompt and business-like manner in which his department has been conducted.
Robert Whitesides
John S. Ryan
W. A. Latta
G. R. Ratchford
