From the Charleston Mercury |
January 25, 1865 |
Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the South
Carolina Railroad Company and of the Southwestern Railroad Bank |
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of
the above Institutions will be held in the city of Columbia on the
Second Tuesday in February next, it being the fourteenth day of the
month. |
Place of meeting -- Court House, on Main
street. Hour of convening -- 11 a. m. |
On the following day (Wednesday) there
will be an Election held at the same place, between the hours of 9 a.
m. and 8 p. m., for Fifteen Directors of the Railroad Company and
Thirteen Directors of the Bank. A Committee to verify proxies will
attend. |
The attention of the Stockholders is
called to the following resolution, adopted at the Annual Meeting in
1854: |
Resolved, That every Stockholder
who shall have owned his stock for three months previous to the
general annual meeting of stockholders be permitted to pass on the
road to and from said meeting free of charge, and that every
Stockholder who shall have owned five or more shares for three months
previous to general annual meeting of Stockholders be permitted to
pass on the road to and from said meeting with his immediate family
free of charge, and that the resolution of February 12, 1851, upon the
subject be, and is hereby, rescinded. |
J. R. Emery |
Secretary |