NP, CJ 5/15A/1861

From the Clarksville, Tenn. Jeffersonian
May 15, 1861
Contraband of War
   The Government Collector at New Albany has decided that Rail Road tickets provided for the Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad in that city, are contraband of war. The printer writes to the Superintendent of the road here, as follows:
   "Fearing that the tickets ordered by you on the 31 instant, might be seized and confiscated under the order of the Secretary of the Treasury, we called upon the custom-house officer, and he decided very learnedly that printed tickets for a railroad company in a seceded State was an article contraband of war."
   This is carrying the idea of contraband to an extremity. It is literally running the thing into the ground. In the first place, the officer undertakes to decide what, as yet at least, is not true that Tennessee is a seceded State, and then declares an article to be contraband of war, which every man who has brains enough to grease a gimlet, knows is not contraband.
   The joke of the thing is that the Northern printer is the sufferer by the absurd decision.
