NP, CJ 3/13A/1861

From the Clarksville, Tenn. Jeffersonian
March 13, 1861
   Many of our readers are, doubtless, not aware of the importance of the line of Railroad now rapidly approaching completion here, to the business interests of the country at large. We happened to be present at the Convention of Rail Road Presidents at Washington City, on the 26th of February, called by President Hunphreys, of the Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Road, for the purpose of considering the interests of this route from the Northern and Eastern cities to Memphis and the South. The entire line of Roads from Baltimore to Memphis was represented by the Presidents of the Roads, and the route was conceded by all to be the most practicable and reliable, in every respect, for passengers, freights and mails. So soon as the Road is finished through, arrangements will be made, schedules will be changed and close connections effected, so that the time between Memphis and the North and East will be shortened beyond the possibility of competition by any other route.
