NP, ASCY 5/5/1861

From the Southern Confederacy (Atlanta, Ga.)
May 5, 1861
That Accident
   We take the following account of the accident at Calhoun {on the Western & Atlantic RR}, to a member of the Toombs Guards, on their leaving for Virginia, from the Valley "Register:"
   An unfortunate accident happened to one of the Toombs Volunteers as the train was moving off last Monday morning {April 29, 1861}. He fell from the platform of the cars, between the cars, they running over one leg, mangling it so that it had to be taken off that day. He is still living, though doubts are entertained as to his getting finally over it. His name is N. M. Garner. Whiskey seems to have been the prime cause of his unfortunate mishap. "Boys, don't drink!"
