NP, AC 9/26/1862

From the Augusta Constitutionalist
September 26, 1862
   Capt. R. W. Sims, of the Oglethorpe Light Infantry, who was captured at Fort Pulaski in April last, arrived in this city yesterday on his way home. He seems to be in very good health and spirits notwithstanding his weary sojourn of many months and enduring much rough journeying in the inhospitable dominions of Lincolndom. He was first carried to Governor's Island, in New York harbor, where he found kind friends to minister to his comfort in sickness; he was then transferred to Sandusky, Ohio; and finally sent to Vicksburg to be exchanged. On this route the sufferings of the prisoners were great, and many invalids died on the river from want of suitable medicines and food. Lieut. Henry S. McMullen, of Macon county, was left behind at Vicksburg, in charge of Lieut. T. W. Montfort who was seriously ill.
Macon (Ga.) Journal & Messenger, Sept. 25
