NP, AC 7/31/1864

From the Augusta Constitutionalist
July 31, 1864
Arms and Lead from the Battle Field
   We noticed at the {Virginia} Central depot, on yesterday, six cars loaded with arms, knapsacks, cartridge boxes, sabres, &c., together with a large lot of pig lead, the spoils of the battle fields of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania. The balls are collected on the battlefield by the people living in the vicinity, brought to an established depot and made into pigs. In this way they are forwarded to the laboratory here. As lead is at this time in demand, it will be very acceptable. In this lot there is not less than 16,000 pounds, and about 8,000 or 9,000 stand of arms, which, with slight repairs, will be very serviceable.
   Lieut. Louis Zimmer, Assistant Chief of Ordnance, has charge of that department. In return for lead and arms he issues to the people corn meal and flour. There are many poor families in this neighborhood who have been despoiled by the Yankees of all they have, and this is of great assistance to them, as provisions are more important to them than money. Lieut. A. has already collected from these battle fields upwards of 30,000 small arms and 25,000 pounds of lead, equipments, &c. This will be to the Government a clear saving of over $2,000,000. Lieut. Z. has shown great energy in this branch of the service.
Richmond Dispatch
