NCA, RRB 3/12/1862


   At a called Convention of the representatives of the Railroad Companies between Richmond and Charleston and Augusta and Savannah, held at the office of the Petersburg Railroad Company, in the city of Petersburg, on the 12th of March, 1862.
Present --
W. T Joynes President Petersburg Railroad Company
C. O. Sanford Superintendent Petersburg Railroad
B. S. Guion Superintendent W. C and Railroad  {Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford RR}
T. J. Sumner Superintendent C. & S. C. Railroad  {Charlotte & South Carolina RR}
S. L. Fremont Superintendent W. & W. Railroad  {Wilmington & Weldon RR}
W. J. Harkins President R. & G. Railroad Company  {Raleigh & Gaston RR}
Charles Ellis President R. & P. Railroad Company  {Richmond & Petersburg RR}
   On motion, W. J. Hawkins was elected President, and E. H. Gill, Secretary.
   Resolved, That all through-tickets formed by this Convention shall be at the same rates by either the Raleigh or Wilmington routes, between the common points Weldon and Kingsville.
   On motion, the following ticket between Richmond and Augusta was adopted:
R. & P. R. R. Company 1.25
Omnibus .25
Petersburg R. R. Company 3.00
W. & W. R. R. Company 6.65
W. & M. R. R. Company   {Wilmington & Manchester RR} 7.15
S. C. R. R. Company  {South Carolina RR} 5.00
   On motion,
   Resolved, That through-tickets may be formed to all points South and South-west, by each road adding to the ticket already agreed upon by this Convention between Richmond and Augusta ($23.30), rates not exceeding its local fares.
   On motion,
   Resolved, That the following ticket be adopted between Richmond and Charleston:
R. & R. R. Company 1.25
Omnibus .25
Petersburg R. R. Company 3.00
W. & W. R. R. Company 6.65
W. & M. R. R. Company 4.65
N. E. R. R. Company 4.50
   Resolved, That each Railroad Company shall report to each road in interest, its sales of through-tickets for the month by the 15th of the ensuing month.
   On motion,
   Resolved, That all through-tickets adopted by this Convention shall be offered for sale by the 29th instant.
   On motion, the following tickets were adopted:
   Richmond and Wilmington
R. & P. R. R. Company 1.25
Omnibus .25
Petersburg R. R. Company 3.00
W. & W. R. R. Company 6.65
Petersburg & Wilmington:  
Petersburg R. R. Company 3.00
W. & W. R. R. Company 6.65
   Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Railroad Company which ships through freight, first, to send local transportation bills for each car, said bills to accompany said car, and the connecting road shall give receipts on said local bills; second, through transportation bills shall be sent by mail as soon as practicable to the road at the point of delivery -- (these through transportation bills shall be similar in form to the blank form hereunto annexed, marked A); third, it shall be the duty of each Railroad Company promptly to report by mail to the Railroad Company at the point of delivery, any loss, damage, non-arrival of freight, or other fact that may effect the general through bill, according to form marked B, hereunto annexed.
   Resolved, That all loss resulting from accidents, depredation or incautious handling, sustained by private or government freight, shall be settled by the Company at the terminal point, and if said loss be ascertained to have occurred on any particular road, it shall be charged by said terminal company to the road upon which the loss or damage occurred; but if it cannot be ascertained upon which road it occurred, it shall be charged to the whole line pro rata, according to the amount of freight received by each road. Injury resulting to goods in transitu, shall, as far a s practicable, be repaired before delivery to a connecting road; but in no case must the condition of a package or its contents be stated upon the receipt given by one agent to another, unless both agents concur in the opinion that it is in bad order, in which event it shall be their duty to state the condition upon the way bill, and sign it.
   Resolved, That the present rates on through freights from Richmond to Charleston, and Savannah and Augusta, be increased about twenty-five per cent.
   On motion, the annexed classification of through freight rates was adopted. (See table C.)
   On motion, the Convention adjourned to assemble in Richmond tomorrow morning at half-past 11 o'clock.
March 13th, 1862
   Convention met at the office of the Richmond & Petersburg Railroad Company in Richmond.
   Present --
C. O. Sanford Superintendent Petersburg Railroad
T. J. Sumner Superintendent C. & S. C. Railroad
S. L. Fremont Superintendent W. & W. Railroad
S. S. Solomon Superintendent N. E. Railroad
Charles Ellis President R. & P. Railroad
E. H. Gill Superintendent R. & P. Railroad
   On motion, Charles Ellis was elected President.
   On motion,
   Resolved, That all through freight shall be collected at the point of delivery, except upon perishable articles, upon which local freight shall be charged and collected by each road.
   Resolved, That the Railroads agreeing to the tariff of charges adopted by this Convention, further agree that the freight on all articles not therein enumerated shall be fixed by the Superintendent of the shipping road, and the proportions to each road shall be in accordance with the principle adopted for the classification of through freight.
   Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Richmond & Petersburg Railroad be requested to fit up a suitable room, and take charge of lost through baggage and attend to all matters contained in the rules relative to through baggage, and any expenses incurred shall be charged to all roads interested pro rata, and that he have all necessary printing of bills and other matters executed at the expense of the companies interested.
   Resolved, That the following Rules concerning through baggage shall be adopted:

Rules Concerning Baggage

   1. That each baggage agent shall be furnished with a claw, formed with a handle, to which shall be attached as many hooks as there are classes of baggage checks, and that each class of checks shall be placed upon its respective hook.
   2. Each check shall be examined twice before being placed upon baggage.
   3. The agents are not to allow servants, or other persons to handle or carry their bundles of checks, and all checks not in use shall be locked in rooms at stations, or in boxes on cars.
   4. All regular and extra baggage shall be checked. No baggage to be checked for a porter unless the owner is present.
   5. Each passenger shall be permitted to carry 150 lbs. of baggage free of charge, and any amount beyond that shall be charged for the whole distance such baggage may be checked, at the rate of fifty cents per 100 lbs. per hundred miles; but all charges for fractional amounts, whether under or over 100 lbs., shall b made at the following rates: for 20 lbs. or less, 10 cents per hundred miles; from 20 to 40 lbs. 20 cents; from 40 to 60 lbs. 30 cents, and so on. Fractional distances amounting to a charge of less than 10 cents shall not be taken into account.
   6. A card shall be given to each owner of extra baggage in form as follows:
   Received of              $           for          pieces of Extra Baggage to be carried from           to        .      Agent
   7. Each piece of extra baggage shall be chalk-marked, or otherwise clearly marked, with the letter E.
8. The extra baggage tickets shall be taken in and filed by the conductors on the last road such baggage is to pass over.
   9. Each piece of baggage shall be re-checked the moment the check is removed, so that on every portion of the through route, whether between depots or other wise, the baggage shall not be without a check.
   10. Agents and servants of railroads and steamboats are not to receive baggage from passengers without giving checks and checking each piece of such baggage.
   11. Each baggage agent shall be provided with a book properly ruled and headed, in which shall be entered the date, number, or other designation, and the direction of each train, the kind of baggage, whether trunks, valises, carpet bags, &c., and the numbers of the checks that are placed upon them.
   12. Each separate list of baggage shall be signed by the baggage agent in charge.
   13. All baggage shall be kept either in securely locked baggage rooms or cars, and no one shall be allowed to handle or have access to baggage except in presence of properly authorized agents.
   14. After the train has started, the baggage agent shall pass through the cars and enquire of each passenger for his check or checks and description of his baggage, and if any mistake has occurred, the agent shall at once give a statement of facts in writing to the passenger, and enter the same upon his baggage book, to be particularly pointed out to the baggage agent, and as soon as possible report the facts to the superintendent.
   15. Each baggage agent shall continue with the baggage until he has delivered it in person to the agent of the next road and has received a receipt in his baggage book, at the bottom of the list, from the said baggage agent, which said agent shall list the baggage in his book as he receives each piece.
   16. Entries in the baggage book may be made in pencil, but if any wrong entry has been made it shall not be obliterated, but shall be cancelled by a single line passed across it.
   17. All baggage books shall be backed, filed and preserved by each company.
   18. Through baggage shall be delivered before way baggage, unless the company shall provide a sufficient force to deliver both classes with the least possible delay.
   19. Agents shall be careful that the baggage does not receive injury in handling or from exposure to weather.
   20. Carpet bags shall be examined by each agent at the time they are received and delivered by him, to see if they have been prized open, and as far as possible to examine locks and other fastenings of all baggage.
   21. A lost baggage depot shall be established at Richmond, Va., at the expense of all companies concerned. All baggage sent to said depot shall be registered in a book properly ruled and headed to show the date the baggage was received, from what company, marks and description of baggage, when given to owner or otherwise disposed of, and if possible by what train. A ledger shall also be kept to show the receipts and payments for all baggage, and an account opened with each company.
   22. Each piece of baggage stored in the lost baggage depot, shall be labeled and stored, so that it can be plainly seen, and to be kept until disposed of for the benefit of the companies concerned, at such time as they shall agree upon.
   23. A committee of one or more shall be appointed by the companies concerned, who shall have charge and direction of the lost baggage room, who shall see that the books are properly kept, make settlements with companies for lost baggage, and transact all other business that any seem necessary, and at the end of each year make a report in print to each company.
   24. All baggage which has been miscarried shall be registered in a book specially kept at the principal office of each company; the register to show the date of discovery, description, marks, &c., of such baggage, and a circular stating the same facts, shall be sent to each company, and to the supposed owner, at once, upon the discovery of any piece of lost baggage; and at the expiration of one month such baggage shall be sent to the general lost baggage depot at Richmond, and a receipt obtained therefor, and the fact entered in the register.
   25. Lost baggage shall be paid for by the company who cannot show receipts upon their baggage books; any missmatching of checks, or other excuse shall not be taken into account, but the decision shall be made by the number of pieces received and delivered by each company. If under any circumstances the lost baggage cannot be properly charged to any one company according to the foregoing rule, then the loss shall be charged to and divided among all lines concerned.
   26. All settlements for lost baggage, or for extra baggage, or for expenses incident to either, are to be made monthly, by the 10th of each month, and in cases of division, each company is to receive or pay in proportion to its share agreed upon for the through passenger ticket.
   On motion,
   Resolved, That the following division of through freight rates be adopted, and that the Secretary shall notify each of the rail road companies at what time the through freight rates will go into operation.
Proportions of each road for through freight, between Richmond and Savannah, per 100 pounds:
  Class 1 Cts Class 2 Cts Class 3 Cts Class 4 Cts
Richmond & Petersburg R. R. 20 16 12 9
     Drayage 6 6 5 4
Petersburg Rail Road 30 24 18 14
Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road 74 60 45 32
     Ferriage 6 6 5 4
Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road 43 38 30 22
North-Eastern Rail Road 48 33 29 22
     Ferry and Drayage 10 10 7 6
Charleston & Savannah Rail Road 48 38 29 21
  $2.90 $2.36 $1.80 $1.34
Proportions of each road for through freight, between Richmond and Augusta, per 100 pounds:
Richmond & Petersburg Rail Road 20 16 12 9
     Drayage 6 6 5 4
Petersburg Rail Road 30 24 18 14
Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road 74 60 45 32
     Ferriage 6 6 5 4
Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road 77 63 48 34
South Carolina Rail Road 53 33 33 24
  $2.66 $2.13 $1.66 $1.21
Proportion of each road for through freight, between Richmond and Charleston, 100 pounds:
Richmond & Petersburg Rail Road 20 16 12 9
     Drayage 6 6 5 4
Petersburg Rail Road 30 24 18 14
Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road 74 60 45 32
     Ferriage 6 6 5 4
Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road 43 33 30 22
North-Eastern Rail Road 48 38 29 22
  $2.32 $1.88 $1.44 $1.07
   On motion,
   Resolved, That the companies represented in this Convention, are bound to comply with the resolutions, rules, classifications, rates and proportions adopted by the Convention, and are not at liberty to depart or withdraw from the same without giving each of the companies interested one month's notice in writing.
   On motion, the convention adjourned sine die.
Charles Ellis
E. H. Gill
{Forms A and B not transcribed}

Classification -- C

   Spirits Turpentine, Camphene, Burning Fluid and Varnish, will only be transported at owners' risk.
   Gunpowder and other combustibles, except for government, will be at local rates of each Road, and at Road's convenience.
{Many pages listing items and their classification are not transcribed}

Rates on Locomotives and Cars

Locomotive on wheels 25 cents per mile
Passenger Cars, towed 10     "      "     "
Freight Cars, towed   8     "      "     "
   Live Stock and unboxed Carriages are subject to local rates and arrangements of each Road.
