NA, W&W 2/16/1864

Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road Co.
Office Chief Engineer and Superintendent
Wilmington, N. C., Feby 16th 1864
Lt. Col. F. W. Sims
Q Master in charge R R Bureau
   It becomes my very unpleasant but imperative duty to ask your attention, and through you the attention of the War the charges and specifications preferred against Capt. Jno. C. Pegram Asst Adjt Gen & now or then (Dec 5-/63)attached to the Staff of Gen M W Ransom.
   The attack was entirely unprovoked, so far as I can learn. This Engineer McQuestian is one of the most peaceable and inoffensive men in the service of this Company. He drinks no liquor, & has never been heard of using profane or obscene language. He was strictly obeying orders on the occasion referred to. I mention the orders of our agents.
   I ask that the case may be investigated by a Court Martial. It is due to men who are more or less (but frequently) abused by officers in the Army, when they are in the regular discharge of their duties & often in total disregard of the orders of Gen Lee & the War Dept. on the subject, of interference into Railroad management. Our best men shrink from the duty of running Engines, because of the overbearing conduct of many officers, and generally the lower the rank, the more important they are to do something beyond their own Military duties.
   Had such an outrage occurred in the army towards a citizen when I had the honor to serve under the old flag, it would have cost the perpetrating officer his commission, and I treat our new government will not be less jealous of the respect its officers pay to the citizens of the Confederate States, that the old one was in its best days.
I am Col. Your obt servt
S. L. Fremont
Chf Eng & Supt
{on back of document}
   Respectfully referred to Q. M. G. for his consideration and action. It is hoped this investigation may take place in order that the charges may be investigated ????? It is the correct belief of RRd Supts that they have no redress in such cases.
F. W. Sims
Lt. Col. QM
Respectfully referred to the Adgt & Inspector Genl with the request that this officer be brought before a Court Martial as soon as practicable. The officers of Rail Roads should be protected against injury & insult
A R Lawton
Qr. Mr. Genl
2 March '64
Res. referred to Maj Genl. Pickett, who is requested to bring this officer to trial on the charges enclosed.
S. Cooper
A&I. G.
Mar 9/64
Charges & Specifications preferred against Capt Jno. C. Pegram P A. C. S.
Charge I.
Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.
Specification... In this that he Capt Jno. C. Pegram, Asst Adgt Gen. P. A. C. S. to my did on or about Dec 5th 1863, at Weldon North Carolina, order one Heptinstall, being one of the Provost Guard at Weldon to bring to him meaning his official, being the Head Qrs. of Brig Gen. Ransom, the person of Chas. R. McQuestian a citizen then employed by the Wilm & Weldon R. R. Co. as a Machinist and Engineer of a Freight train Engine the property of said Railroad Co. The said Heptinstall informing the said McQuestian that Capt Pegram desired to see him at his office, did accompany the said Heptinstall, to the said office (of Gen Ransom) while the said Pegram had armed himself with a heavy club & concealing himself behind the door, When McQuestian entered and without any sufficient cause or provocation did strike the said McQuestian who had no expectation of an attack a heavy blow on the head felling him to the floor, in a senseless condition, whereupon the said Pegram jumped upon the body of the said McQuestian stomping him & kicking him in the mouth, side & breast. Knocking out several teeth and otherwise maiming & bruising the said McQuestian in an outrageous & cruel manner disabling him from performing his duty as an Engineer or Machinist for two or three weeks, and by the blow on his head seriously endangering his life.
Charge II.
Violation of Gen. Orders No I of March 20, 1862, by General Lee
Specification. In this that the said Capt Jno. C. Pegram Asst. Adgt Gen. P. A. C. S. did at Weldon on or about Dec 4 1863 order and attempt to compel the said acting Engineer McQuestian then in the service of the Wil & Weldon R R Co. to run an Engine attached to a train belonging to the said Railroad Co. across the high bridge at Weldon to Garysburg over a Road the property of the Seaboard & Roanoke R R Co without first having obtained permission of that Co.'s Agent at Weldon to use their Road, and without the knowledge, authority or consent of the Agents or Conductor of the said Wil & Weldon Rail Road Co. This being after dark and one or more trains being expected coming towards Weldon & no notification having been sent to Garysburg that the train of said Wilm & Weldon R. Road Co would run to Garysburg that night it would have been entirely hazardous to life, limb & property, to have complied with the orders of the said Capt Pegram, which orders were in direct conflict with the aforesaid orders of Gen Lee & violation of the Rules & Regulations governing the running of trains by the said Wilm & Weldon R. Road Co.
S. L. Fremont
Chf Engineer & Gen Supt
Wil & Weldon RRC
December 15th 1864 {should be 1863}
