Engineers Office, S. R. R.
{Southern (of Mississippi) RR} |
Jackson, Dec. 24th 1862 |
Hon. W. C. Smedes |
Pres't S. R. R. Co. |
Dear Sir, |
The condition of the Western Division of the road is such
that unless measures are promptly taken to remedy it before wet weather
sets in the business of this end of the road will be retarded if not
suspended. |
A large portion of the Iron on this Division has been in
use for twenty years, and never was intended for the heavy
Machinery that is now running over it: it is worn out and must be
replaced with new or better iron if you would successfully operate the
road this winter. We need at once twenty miles of new Rails &
Chairs, and fifty kegs of Spikes. I would suggest that there
are now in Alabama two "Branch Railroads" connecting at nothing
and running nowhere, and are of no earthly benefit to the
Government or the Country at large. One {Cahaba,
Marion & Greensboro RR} runs from Marion to a Junction with the
A. & M. R. R. {Alabama & Mississippi Rivers RR},
the other {North Western Railroad of Alabama}
from Newbern to a Junction with the same road. These Branch roads
are from ten to fifteen miles long, each of them, and are laid with good
iron & chairs. |
Could you not get an order from the Government to impress
the Iron & Chairs of these road (paying for it of course) and thus
enable the Southern Railroad to be put in a condition to do the immense
business which the Government will require of it this winter. |
If there ever was a "Military Necessity" -- the
repairs of the Southern Railroad is one. |
I understand that there is a quantity of R. R. Spikes in
Richmond. |
Respectfully Yours |
G. N. Wren |
Chf Engr. |
(on back of document) |
Secty of War for attention, the matter is of pressing importance. |
J. D. |
To Eng. Bur, |
What can be done to keep this road in repair It is of prime importance
at this time. |
Sey |
Engineer Bureau |
January 13th 1863 |
I would respectfully recommend that the Commanding Genl in the vale of
the Mississippi has authority to impress the iron on the two branch
roads named by the Chief Engineer of the Southern R. Road -- this
company to pay a reasonable price for the same |
J. F. Gilmer |
Col of Engrs & Chf. of Bureau |