NA, SWR 1/1/1865

Quartermaster General's Office
Richmond, Va., January 1, 1865
   Since my Circular of the 1st of October, 1864, was issued, the following additional Regulations in regard to Transportation have been adopted:
I. The Secretary of the Treasury authorizes transportation to be furnished on the requisition of the Agents of the Produce Loan in the several States; and also upon that of Mr. W. Y. Leitch, Assistant Treasury, Columbia, S. C.; to be charged to the Treasury Department.
II. Retired soldiers, reporting under General Orders, No. 34, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office (1864), are entitled to transportation.
III. Conscripts, State reserves and militia, mustered into the Confederate service, are entitled, like regular troops, to transportation once, home and back, on leave or furlough of indulgence, but the leave or furlough must state that the soldier has not previously been furnished transportation, nor commutation therefor.
IV. Commutation for the coupons of men discharged, re-enlisted or under orders, will, if the same be not used, be paid to the parties to whom issued. But it will in no case be paid on any other class of coupons, without a special order from this office.
V. Paroled prisoners of war, on furlough, are entitled to transportation once to their homes and back to their commands; but not on an extension of furlough. If not exchanged when their first furlough expires, they may repair to a camp of instruction until exchanged.
VI. Escaped prisoners of war are entitled to transportation to their commands; or to their homes and back, when on furlough.
VII. Transportation will be given to the Recorders appointed by the States to collect names and information for the Rolls of Honor.
VIII. The Surgeon General of the State of North Carolina requests that no transportation be issued to medical officers, agents or employees of his Department, without his written consent or approval.
IX. As doubts have arisen in regard to the construction of paragraph V. General Orders, No. 59, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office (1864), as to who are the "Chiefs of the several Military Bureau," it is hereby declared that said Chiefs are only those at the Seat of Government.
X. Contractors' supplies must not be transported at the expense of the government; but when it is deemed conducive to the public interest, officers of this Department are authorized to request rail road companies to provide transportation for these stores -- the contractors paying the rail roads the freight charges on the same, as may be agreed upon among themselves.
XI. Packages not over (25) twenty-five pounds in weight, turned over by invoice, may be shipped by express for any department of the government, if the requisition be approved by the Head of the Bureaux, or the commanding officer of the military district or department.
XII. The Chief Quartermaster at each post in the Confederate States will, upon the receipt of this order, notify officers of the several rail road companies of the name of the transportation officer thereat, who alone is authorized to issue transportation.
XIII. Officers in charge of transportation are enjoined to be careful to have the dates in their stamps changed every day. Those who have no stamps must write the date on every coupon.
XIV. Paragraph XXIX of my Circular of October 1, 1864, was only intended to inhibit transportation to officers at posts for themselves, upon their own requisitions, and does not apply to men or stores. No officer can properly receive transportation, unless he has orders from the sources specified in General Orders, Nos. 59, 63 and 71, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office (1864).
A. R. Lawton
Quartermaster General
