General Superintendent's Office |
South Carolina Railroad |
Charleston, S. C. Feby 22nd 1864 |
Maj Huston Lee
Chief Q. Mr.
Since seeing you this A. M. I find we have in our Depot
yard for the Engr Dept 80 pieces Timber which were brought down some
time since say two weeks. I do not think they can be very badly off
for Timber or they would have taken this away.
Very Respectfully
H. T. Peake
Gen Supt
{on back of document}
C. S. Eng Dept of SC
Charleston S. C. Feby 27/64
The timber came down on the 12 & 13th inst. and has been removed
as rapidly as the transportation for such material (timber carts)
could as they were also partly engaged hauling the timber from the
breaking up of the old boom floats at which they were employed when
the timber came. Some days since, the mill to which the timber was
being hauled, blew up her boilers. the hauling to this mill closed
& until another is put in operation for the work.
Wm H Echols
Maj & Engr