NA, SA&MG 12/27/1863

Eng. Office, Gonzales, Tex.
8 P. M. 27 Dec. 1863
Capt. Thos Heerrmann
Adjt. Gen. Dept
   A report from A. M. McKim Lea, Asst. Eng. in charge at Victoria, gives a very unsatisfactory account of the progress made in destroying the Railroad {San Antonio & Mexican Gulf RR}. Seventeen miles out of twenty eight remained untouched on 24th inst The several officers entrusted with the direction of the work are either drunk, unfaithful or inefficient. Two, I know, were in the former condition. Bad faith may well be suspected when such deleteriousness is apparent. The inefficiency needs no comment. I showed them how to turn the road over & break it up. They persist in drawing the spikes with crow bars! This looks like collusion with Mr. J. O. Wheeler, President of the Company, who is officially reported to me as acting "badly, very badly, about the R. R. condescending to all kinds of meanness to retard the work." His object is, apparently, to delay its destruction until taken by the enemy in the hope of making terms with them. An illustration may be found in his secretly removing the boxes from the car wheels, & perhaps also in disabling the engines, though that may have been only through a misconstruction of the Gen's orders. The result is a disgraceful delay in the work, not chargeable, however, to the Asst. left in charge by me who seems to have well fulfilled his duties in supplying men, tools & food.
   The negroes have nearly all run away, & I have ordered an inexorable impressment of all able bodied male slaves in Chatham, Jackson, Victoria, Goliad & De Witt counties for that work, & sent agents to execute it.
Very Respy
Yr. obt. Sevt.
A. M. Lea
Lt Col & Chf Eng.
