NA, R&G 7/29/1863

Office of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road Company
Raleigh, N. C. July 29, 1863
Col Gorgas
Chief of Ordnance
   We are entirely out of Block Tin and know not where to get it. It is an indispensable article to Rail Road Companies. Our brasses babbett metal & solder have run down to a low point.
   Can you aid us with 200 (two hundred) pounds or more of Block Tin? We will pay or it in any way you may demand. Your early attention will much oblige.
Very Respectfully
Yr obdt Sevt
W. J. Hawkins
{on back of document}
Respectfully referred to Major Donner to sell this to Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road at current market rates if it can be spared. Major D will please reply to Mr Hawkins Prest
By order of Col Gorgas
Thos L Bayne Major
Augt 1st 63
