NA, RR 6/27/1862

Charlottes Ville Va, June 27th/62
Lieutnt M P Taylor
Richmond Va
Dear Sir,
   I have just received from the hands of Mr Benson, your note, requesting me to enclose to you the receipts for the Ordnance sent to Knox Ville & also my account as Special Messenger, in charge, at the rate of $3.50 -- three dollars & fifty cents -- per diem The bill dates from Saturday at 2 PM 'till Friday -- today -- at 11 1/2 AM, which summed up is as follows:
To seven days in capacity of Special Messenger at $3.50 -- three dollars & a half pr diem.
     $24.50 Twenty four dolls & fifty cents
To sending & receiving telegraph from Bristol to Knox Ville 95 cents
      Tot $25.45 cts
   You requested me to notice any detentions on the Road. Only unavoidable detentions on my route to Knox Ville such as remaining over at Lynchburg on account of Stores, Government, of course, engaged to go by the Va & Tenn Road, before my arrival at Lynchburg, occurred. I had to stay over also at Bristol from Monday night 'till Tuesday evening. It resulted from the Superintendent not having a car ready to go on with the E. Tenn & Va Road which leaves Bristol 35 minutes after the arrival of the Va & Tenn train. This tho' was probably my fault as I did not telegraph to the Sup: ??? to have a car ready. Although I should think that it is the business of the QM of the Post to have extra cars always on hand, as ordnance is continually going by that road and the agent of the Road told me that it frequently occurred that messengers were compelled to remain over at Bristol in consequence of cars not being ready for the transportation of this ordnance
   There was not a little panic in Bristol in consequence of th evacuation of Cumberland Gap by Maj Gen Smith. And finding that there was uncertainty in the minds of all, even the Telegraph Operator, whether Genl Smith was, at that time, at Knox Ville as had removed his quarters to Morris Tenn. I telegraphed to Know his whereabouts -- toh: explains the bill of 55 cts.
   I am in haste yours respectfully
R. M. Newton
