NA, RR 5/9A/1864

Government Transportation Works
Columbus, Ga.
May 9 1864
Mr J. T Oldham
Special Messenger
   You will proceed to Atlanta Ga taking in charge Eighty four wagons with 6 Boxes containing parts thereof & deliver the same to Capt J A Anderson A Q. M. at that place taking his receipt therefor. You will specially see that the cars go strait thro without stopping as they are much needed by Genl Johnston's army.
   You will see that the cars on which the wagons are loaded are returned without delay to Columbus as they are required for pressing government use.
You will also take in charge 19 Boxes 4 horse transportation Harness & deliver them also to Capt J. A Anderson.
   Having Julplbr this ??? report to me without delay.
   All Quartermasters & Transportation Agts will give to Mr Oldham transportation in kind to enable him top accomplish this mission.
Thos C. Johnson
Special Agt. Q M Dept.
{Since only 2 wagons would fit on a flat car, this shipment would require 42 flat cars -- at best, two complete trains, and more likely three.}
