NA, RR 4/11C/1863

Southern Telegraph Form
Received at Richd      Apl 11 1863 at     o'clock,    minutes
By telegraph from Weldon    11   To Col A C Myers QMG
Twenty three thousand & Eight hundred & ninety five (23895) bushels corn {160 car loads} sent this week to Richmond from Tarboro Weldon & depots of W&W RR in addition Capt Venable supplied thirty-five thousand bushels {233 car loads} from Weldon to Genl Longstreets command this diverted from Richmond{.?} twenty one thousand seven hundred & thirty three (21733) bushels {145 car loads} now in store at above depots or on way to Weldon with expected addition next week of fifteen thousand bushels {100 car loads}.
Chas. S. Carrington
Maj & QM
