NA, RR 3/25A/1863

Montgomery Ala.
March 25th 1863
Capt. Richd. Lambert
Macon Ga.
Dear Capt.
   I am determined to keep you posted about my whereabouts on my trip down to Jackson. I left Columbus on Freight train yesterday morning {on the Montgomery & West Point RR}, but to my sorrow the Engine broke down between Opelika and this place, and I took the passenger train last night and arrived here this morning, the Freight will be here this evening sometime, and I will have to stay over tomorrow in order to reship the stores. All the boxes are very badly nailed, and bursted at Columbus. I don't know what to do, 1/2 of the shells is loose. I will go to Q. M. and try to get them coopered, it is impossible to bring them through, in the state they are in. I tell you I do hate to lay over in any place, and never did time pass as slow as it does now. I am trying my best to get to Jackson as soon as I can. I want to see Levy before he goes, if possible, you may therefore believe, that I don't spare any pains or trouble to get there, but I can not avoid any such accidents as break downs or running off the track. I shall try to get the shell down to Mobile pr. passenger train {over the Alabama & Florida (of Alabama) RR and the Mobile & Great Northern RR} if possible. I suppose you have received my letter from Columbus, I had but one Post stamp and it being Sunday could not procure another, don't put yourself to any trouble about my goods, I can sell them there, when I get back. Nothing new here, I wish I was out off this place. Give my respects to your lady and little ones and remember. 
Sincerely Yours
Gustove Asher
