NA, RR 12/8/1863

Office of Depot Qr Mr
Houston, Decr 8, 1863
Lieut Stephen D. Yancey
A A Genl
   For the information and action of the Major Genl Comdg I ask with the utmost respect to lay before him the following facts.
   I am and have been since being assigned to duty at this Post, receiving and disbursing large supplies of corn, most of which is recd in the Shuck -- when recd by me or my agents in the Country it is measured in Barrels, being thrown in very loosely; when transported either by Rail Roads or Wagons, it naturally settles and shrinks very much, so much so, that a car well filled at Hempstead Columbus or other points, has decreased in bulk very materially on arriving here, hence those to whom I make transfers refuse, perhaps very justly to receive and receipt to me for the quantity I am obliged to receipt for in purchasing this in many instances causes ill feeling and even an imputation on my official acts. There are now some instances where Qr Mr refuse positively to furnish me receipts for corn, transferred to them direct as received by me. All who acquainted with the facts in regard to corn know that by constant handling transporting &c. there must be a serious loss by waste, stealing shrinking &c.
   To prevent further difficulties in the deliveries and to protect myself from loss, on that already received and to be hereafter received, I would respectfully suggest, that the Major Genl Commanding appoint a board of Appraisers whose duty it shall be to examine and investigate this matter thoroughly, and report on same, when if found to correspond with the above statement, they may be allowed to fix a fair and just per centage, to cover said losses, and that a Special Order may be made in accordance thereto, by which I can expend said per centage to make up deficiencies.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
John E. Grady
Capt & A. Q. M.
