NA, RRB 9/1G/1863

Richmond & Danville Rail Road
Superintendent's Office
Richmond, Sept 1 1863
Hon Jas A Seddon
Secy of War
   Being much in need of the services of Machinists &c I hereby renew my application for the details of the following men viz:
Serjt F. N. Burness Co D 19 Battn Va. Heavy Arty R. D.
Private W. T. Fowlkes Co A 9 Va. Bartons Brig. Pickett D.
       "    W. E. Stywall
    "    R. J. Roach Co G 5th Regt Va Cav.
and also hereby apply for th renewal of details of the following named men, viz:
Private John Hellings 9th Batt: Geo. Artillery  
    "    W. E. Grosse Co C 2nd Geo. Battalion
    "    W. M. Smith Co A 6th N. C. Vol.
    "    John H Taylor Co G 6th Va. Vol.
    "    Chas M. Davis Co B 19 Va. Batt.
Chas. G. Talcott Supt
Per Wm H Stith Supt's Cl'k
{on back of document}
Respy referred to Q. M. Genl. with the request that the renewals asked for be granted
F. W. Sims
Lt Col & Q M
Qr Mr Genls Office
Sept 21 1864
Approved & respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant & Inspectr General
A R Lawton
Qr Mr Genl
A. G.
Extend details
By order
J. A. Campbell
22 Sept 64
