NA, RRB 9/12/1864

Office Charleston & Savh RR Co
Charleston Sept 12th 1864
Col. F. W. Sims Q. M.
Chief R R Bureau
Richmond Va
   I would respectfully make application to the Secretary of War for the renewal of the details of the following named men viz:
W E Fry Co I 5th Geo Cav Superior of Bridges
H. H. Crovatt Co B 5th ??? Co C Engineer
J L Murphy Jr. Co B 5 So Ca C Carpenter
R S Walker Co A 5 So Ca C Machinist
J J Johnson C Co  P B L A Carpenter
E J Wharton Lafayette Lt Artillery Capt J V Kannapony Master Car Builder
J P Germain Co A 27th SCV our Agt Charleston
W T Ham Co I          "      "    Machinist
B A Chaftlin Co I      "      "    Engineer
J D Weatherly Co D 11th  "    Dispatcher
   These men are essential to the efficient management of our road and as they are well acquainted with the details of the several duties required of them, it would be impossible for us to supply their places. For ??? now besides these men, the full number allowed by the conscription act, I would respectfully ask the application be laid before the Secretary of War as early as practicable, as it has already been delayed by the inability from sickness of both myself & the Superintendent to attend to our usual duties.
I am Very Respectfully &c
R. L. Singletary
{much of the letter is slightly smeared}
{on back of document}
Rail Road Bureau
Richmond Sept 19th 64
Approved & respectfully referred to Q. M. Genl
F. W. Sims
LtCol & QM
Qr. Mr. Genl's Office
Sept 19, 1864
Approved & respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant & Inspector Genl. requesting continuance of detail.
A R Lawton
QM Genl
Extend detail
By order
J A Campbell
22 Sept 64
