NA, RRB 8/29A/1863

The Confederate States
To H D Bird
Date Designation Application Cost
Dolls Cts
Aug 29 1863 Services connected with the impressment of the Roanoke Valley Rail Road, being 4 days services at $10 pr Day and 4 days Hotel expenses at 6$ pr Day Mr Baird being thoroughly acquainted with the value of all rail road materials was employed by me to attend the meeting of the Arbitration to value the iron &c of the Roanoke Valley R. R. 64 00
      64 00
   I certify that the above account is correct and just.
Chas. F. M. Garrett
   Received at Richmond this 29 day of August 1863 from Capt G. E. Walker the sum of Sixty four dollars in full payment of the above account.
H. D. Bird  {Superintendent, South Side RR}
